Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Funding for global health experiences

So much that I'd like to write about after the Global Health Expo last Thursday and Friday. (There have been some great freshman programs recently too but those'll have to wait.) Since what's most pressing for students right now is the fellowships process, I wanted to share information about several specific funds that would apply to global health work.

Here are the particular ones mentioned at the gap year panel last Friday. This isn't an exhaustive list. Many others can be found in the supplement to the Harvard Guide to Grants and Harvard's international funding database. An alternative way to find OCS-administered fellowships is by looking at the calendar of deadlines.

Keep in mind that fellowships and funding can be found everywhere, including at other centers on campus. Get out there and poke around. And keep in mind that something like the Roux is for an overseas project specifically around global health issues but other funds may apply to the same project. Make sure you read the criteria carefully.

Much more nuggets to share about the Global Health Expo but will need to do that later. By the way, 317 students attended the fair at OCS on Friday afternoon. Wow!

Next time...take-home points from both undergrad and gap year panels

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